Legal studio committed to provide a comprehensive legal advice service

We are a law firm characterized by offering a comprehensive legal advice service in the areas of civil and criminal law, free zones and special regimes, permitology and regulatory, corporate law, labor law, real estate, family law, administrative and constitutional law, as well as intellectual property law in our Eproint division, besides other areas of law currently on high demand.
Following similar standards to those of the ‘just in time’, we provide what the clients need at the exact moment they need it, we provide services with excellence and responsibility.
With a strategic location, stable climate for business, significant tax incentives and an adequate legal framework you will find in the Dominican Republic an ideal place for successful investments, contact us for more details.

Practice areas
We are a leading office in the analysis and prosecution of criminal cases, such as corporate crimes that could affect a company, its partners and in general, all matters related to corporate criminal law; intellectual property crimes; check fraud; trespassing; gender violence; as well as any crime affecting honor and personal security, which can be prosecuted through public or private criminal action.
In our firm you will find the appropriate advice to face it.
Our team has a large experience to boldly represent and defend the best interests of our clients.
We provide legal support in order to guarantee investments in the Dominican Republic to natural and legal foreign people who want to settle and invest capital, making available to them the special regimes that the Dominican State offers to foreign investors.
We provide advice and representation in the development and closing of international transactions, such as franchises, trading with foreign entities, among others; always taking into account local and foreign legal implications.
In recent years, the free zone sector has maintained constant growth, becoming one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy, thus positioning the Dominican Republic among the first places worldwide in terms of production capacity and product quality.
Free zones are regulated by Law 8-90 for the Promotion of Dominican Free Zones, which unified their operation and development in a single legal instrument and, additionally, created the National Council of Free Zones, a government body that is responsible for ensuring compliance of said law, as well as promote and develop said sector.
Investing in free zones offers great advantages, such as a huge variety of tax exemptions and incentives that favor their development and growth.
According to the latest report from the National Council of Free Zones there are 75 free zone parks operating in the Dominican Republic, having 695 companies established within them, made up of 1,913 different items destined for 122 countries.
Currently, most of the companies in the free zone are dedicated to the manufacture of medical devices, textiles, electronic components, cigarettes, tobacco, footwear, jewelry, computing, among others.
Global District has a highly trained team with a wide experience in the processes of establishing companies in free zones in the Dominican Republic.
The real estate sector in the Dominican Republic has undergone significant development in recent years. With the implementation of Law 108-05, both companies and individuals must adapt to the new regulations related to property rights. In view of that, we have a specialized team for supporting you in all your real estate operations, from the beginning of the negotiation until the closing and formalization of the same.
With large experience regarding the social life of companies (from their incorporation to their dissolution) our law firm offers to our clients top-quality legal assistance in the field of corporate law.
We provide assistance regarding the different tax regimes available for operations that are being carried out or will be carried out in the Dominican Republic. We analyze the tax implications for Dominican and foreign companies, as well as for natural persons who want to invest in our country.
In the Dominican Republic, civil law regulates civil relations between people, and it is also applicable to all matters of private law that are not governed by special laws.
In our country, civil law covers personal law, family law, real law, inheritance, obligations and contracts, civil liability and the general rules applicable to all branches of law.
Our team manages each of the civil law areas with great efficiency and excellence, offering, among others, the following services:
Drafting of contracts and advice on conflicts arising from contractual breaches;
Damage claims;
Advice on the purchase and sale of movable and immovable goods;
Debt collection;
Advice on marriage contracts and the obligations derived from said contracts, community dissolution, community partition property, separation of debts between spouses, among others;
Inheritance organization, including drafting wills, trusts, forced heirship, inter vivos donation, etc.;
Opening of inheritances and occupation by heirs; partition and rescission action.
We provide the best advice, consultancy and representation in the relation of individuals (both national and foreign) with the different public administration institutions.
The Labor Code of the Dominican Republic, as well as its Implementation Ruling No. 258-93, constitute the legal basis that governs between employers and workers in the Dominican Republic, establishing the rules that regulate the employment contract.
Our experienced team in this matter will allow you to have the necessary advice to anticipate conflicts between employers and workers. We also offer our representation services in labor litigation throughout the national territory.
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